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Site Privacy Policy

Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute acknowledges the importance of protecting an individual’s right to privacy and concerns and is committed to providing the most secure environment.

IMPORTANT NOTE! The Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute Notice of Privacy Practices is a separate document detailing how medical information about you may be used and disclosed by Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. The Site is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 18.

Security of your information
We use secure server software (SSL) encryption for all data that you share on this Site so as to protect your data while being transferred over the Internet to our server. Once we receive your data, it is kept in secure databases and cared with the same security software programs as our business data in an effort to avert unauthorized parties to cause damage or upload and change information. We do not store online credit card numbers or other service transactions.

Personal information
As a guest, you may access and browse our Site without revealing any confidential information. Personal information is never collected from users without individuals freely providing this information to us. If you request an appointment or wish to receive additional information, you will provide us with your name, e-mail address and a telephone number. If you are interested in receiving our e-newsletter or a survey, you are required to provide us with your name and e-mail. Other requests such as service transactions and credit card payments may require your e-mail address, telephone and return address information. We may contact you with follow-up information if deemed necessary.

Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute does not share, sell or transfer any personal information with non-related third party, unless instructed by legal investigation or directed by proper patient authorization.

You have the right to request a copy of your personal data, rectify it when inaccurate, remove it when no longer necessary and withdraw information you may have shared. Send an e-mail to webmaster@sleepmedicine.com

User name and password
If provided with a User Name and Password, you are responsible for keeping such User Name and Password confidential.

We may occasionally conduct surveys. We use the information gathered from those surveys to help us better understand the needs of our visitors to our site as well as health care trends and issues. We may share information collected from those surveys with third parties for educational or data management purpose.

e-Newsletter and other electronic notifications
If you wish to receive our e-newsletter or other electronic notifications, you are required to provide us with your name and e-mail address. We do not share, sell or disclose your email address. If you elect to stop receiving our e-newsletter or electronic notifications, send an e-mail to webmaster@sleepmedicine.com

Links to other sites
Our Site contains links to websites from other organizations. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these organizations' sites. We recommend you familiarize yourself with their privacy practices to determine what information is being collected as a result of your visit. When using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn, the button (plug-in) transmits data to the platform. Refer to the platform data protection notice regarding your rights and setting options with respect to the protection of your privacy.

Non-personal information and cookies
In an effort to improve features on our Site and identify system performance areas, we collect non-personal information about your use of the Site. Our server gathers and stores the IP (Internet Protocol) address from all visitors on sleepmedicine.com. An IP address represents a number assigned to a computer when accessing the Internet and allows computers and servers to communicate with one another. We do not associate IP addresses with other documents containing personal information, unless instructed by law or to enforce our legal rights. We also collect information on website usage, page viewing frequency, Web site Internet address from which you linked to our Site, words or file you search, and other related tracking statistics. We use Google Analytics to evaluate individual website usage and perform website analysis. For additional information, refer to Google data privacy policy at https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en . To prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics, go to the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Most browser software can be set to reject all cookies, however if you reject our cookies, certain functions may not work properly.

Disclaimer of warranty
Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute makes no, and hereby disclaims, any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to any warranties of title, non infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular use or purpose with regard to the Site. Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute does not warranty that the Site will be secure, free of error, technological downtimes or unavailability.

Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute may modify the Site Privacy Policy at any time. Any modifications will be in effect instantaneously upon being posted. It is your sole responsibility to review the Site Privacy Policy so as to stay informed of any modification made to this policy.


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